1) You can’t remember the last time you updated it
It’s crucial that you keep your site up-to-date for two main reasons – search engines and your visitors. If you have an obviously stagnant website that shows old content, out of date products and demonstrates a clear lack of interest, search engines will presume you treat visitors to your site the same way. Worse still, so could any potential clients visiting your website.
2) You’ve stopped getting website enquiries
As a consequence of number 1 in our list, this is inevitable.
3) It was built before you could even browse the internet on your mobile phone
Mobile web browsing accounted for 30% of all web traffic in 2012 and is expected to grow to 50% by 2014, yet many still don’t have a mobile website. You could be missing out on a massive 50% of your audience by the end of 2014.

4) You’ve stopped telling anyone about it
If you’re embarrassed about your website, you tend to keep it low key, and as soon as you stop telling the world about it, whether it’s word of mouth, business stationery or email signatures you’re missing out on a huge potential organic audience.
5) You make excuses for the bad design, every time you talk to anyone about it
If you do happen to talk about your website and you find yourself making excuses for the bad design, poor content or the out-of-date photos rather than gushing over the responsive design or amazing functionality etc, it’s time you considered a new website.
6) You can’t remember who built it
It was probably built a few years ago and they are more than likely to have moved on anyhow. Use this opportunity to appoint a new design agency to breathe new life into your online presence.

7) It’s been “under construction” for as long as you can remember
It’s surprising how long many companies have had an “under construction” page or a simple landing page promising a new website. Give your business the best possible chance and show of your products or services to the maximum.
8) You can make a cup of tea in the time it takes to download
Nearly half of web users expect websites to load within 2 seconds or less, worse still they tend to abandon websites that do not load within 3 seconds. Increase website conversations and make sure your new website has quick load times.

9) It still uses Flash animation
It’s not SEO friendly, it doesn’t like to update your content, it hates mobile devices and finally its market share is rapidly decreasing. Do we need to say more?
10) You can’t find your website in Google, never mind the top 3 pages
If your answer is yes to any of the above, your rankings in Google are bound to suffer starting a vicious circle of reduced traffic leading to reduced enquiries.