If you haven’t already got a blog, you should really think about getting one set up. We always recommend blog writing to our clients. Regularly contributing to a well maintained blog can bring huge gains to your business. Businesses that blog have 97% more inbound links and 92% of businesses that blog several times per week have acquired new business via their blog*.
Here are five reasons why having a blog is important:
1) It’s your shop window to promote your business’ news and services
You can use your blog to promote what’s going on within your business. People like to read about who you’re working with, what you’re working on, what the latest developments are to your business, what you offer, etc, etc. If you’re writing blog posts that are informative, educational and newsworthy people will enjoy reading them and you’ll gain a loyal audience who enjoy reading your posts.
2) Get your business’ personality across
Sharing the task of writing (providing there’s more than one of you!) will not only spread the workload for keeping your blog up to date, but it allows you to get across personalities within your business. Allow people to write about their specialist area or interests within your business. You’ll be surprised how readers will comment and look forward to individual contributions!
3) People will trust you more
Not only does a good, well maintained blog get across the personality of your business, but through writing quality content, people will trust you more. We write about our commitment to Newcastle web design and the clients we work with. Through doing this people come to understand who we work with, and in turn hopefully trust us more as a business.
4) Good content will help optimise your website
When writing original content for your blog you should always aim to keep it ‘SEO friendly’. Make sure you’re writing about subjects that are relevant to your business and include key words to the products and services you offer. For example, we talk about ‘web design Newcastle’, because that is the core of our business, providing great web design and development for our clients.
5) Blogging as part of your social media strategy
If you’re writing great blog posts, you need people to read them and create awareness for each new post. Make sure you Tweet and place links on Facebook to each post. Not only will your audience know they’re there, but it opens up a world of opportunity for them to share/retweet to an infinite number of people!
Can we help you with your blog?
Our services include working with clients to improve online PR, social media and SEO. We’d love to speak with you about how we could work with you to improve your blog-writing activity. Why not give us a call?
*From HubSpot 2014