Well we are already into the second month of 2011 and have now all recovered from eating way too much turkey. To offset the time away from doing more mundane tasks, we’ve been hard at work polishing off a couple of shiny new social media accounts. So, what’s new? Here’s a quick rundown of what’s changed for the better:
Created a Facebook Page
Facebook is a tool (a social utility, as they would say) for connecting people with those around them. After a bit of research, finding that Facebook has more than 53 million active users and about 34% of users work as professionals, sales, executives, or are in technical careers, it seemed crazy to not get involved.
We have set it up in such a way that you can see latest and archived work, our latest shots from Dribbble and it feeds in the Twitter and Blog streams, making it quite a social hub for all things Union Room. You are also free to create posts, share links and photos of interest, as we will be doing over the coming months. We will be interested to hear some of your opinions on our work and on latest news and trends in the design and web area.
You don’t need to be logged into Facebook to view the Page, so if you’re a regular reader here (and even if you’re not!) skedaddle on over to Union Room on Facebook and become a fan!
Created a LinkedIn Company Profile
While some members of the Union Room (cough, Steven) have already sworn off LinkedIn, the rest of us are excited to announce our new Company Profile.
Not only did we feel a need to represent the company within a more corporate-like environment, and connect to existing staff on the website already, it is also a great opportunity to share new promotions, connect with new and existing clients and expand our business by attracting potential new candidates for future positions.
Visit the Union Room Company Profile on LinkedIn
Delicious and Stumbleupon
We have also signed up to these popular bookmarking and networking sites, with the hopes of sharing interesting links, inspiration, photography, design and web snippets that we come across every day in the office. So if you find an article you particularly enjoyed, it will be nice to hear what you think. Have something to share? Drop a comment with a link and we’ll glady take a look. If you would like to see what we are bookmarking, click the Stumbleupon link below and login to your account.
Union Room on Delicious
Union Room on Stumbleupon
Twitter and Dribbble
I have no doubt that you have heard of Twitter; Dribbble maybe not so much. We have already been involved in the Twitter community for 2 years now and putting the 140 characters to good use. You can follow us at: Union Room on Twitter.
Dribbble is “…a show and tell for creatives. Designers, developers and other creatives share shots—small screenshots of the designs and applications they are working on.” So it’s nice to share a sneak preview of some creative designs that we are working on, that otherwise may not go public for several weeks (or months!). You can see our latest ‘shots’ over at: Union Room on Dribbble.
Are you involved in any of the above social communities? We would love to hear from you, give us a shout-out in the comments below.