Take a look at the site redesign we carried out for Newcastle Upon Tyne’s Freeman Hospital’s, Freeman Heart and Lung Transplant Association.
Based in Newcastle Upon Tyne, the FHLTA is a voluntary organisation consisting of heart and or lung transplant recipients, families, and their supporters.
The organisation’s 4 main objectives are to offer support and advice to heart and lung transplant patients of the Freeman Hospital, support the charitable work of the hospital, advance public education of the needs of transplantation, and to essentially generate interest and support of the public.
The FHLTA was looking to re-brand, re-design, and re-build their existing website that was identified to be outdated from both a content and a technology point of view. The site didn’t work on mobiles and tablets and didn’t reflect or present the content of FHLTA accurately so it was our task to make sure they had a fantastic site that worked on all devices.
The FHLTA collects donations online to help heart and lung transplant patients. The sites old process was slow and limited so we restructured the donations and testimonial process to improve the functionality and user experience on the site. This improvement was vital to carry out, as their CMS was unusable and not a viable option for updating the new content structure.
You can view FHLTA’s site here.You can read the full FHLTA case study here, or view all of our case studies in the ‘Work’ section of our site to explore more Union Room projects.
If you’re looking for a new site or to update your existing site, why not get in touch to see how we can help?